Mathieu Plessis

Senior Ecommerce Manager

With 15 years of experience in ecommerce, I support brands & companies in their digital strategies. DNVB or Brick & Mortar, let’s build your ecommerce success together.


I develop and carry out strategic online marketing plans for brands & companies that do business on the Web. I'm fluent with the online marketing environment and I adapt strategies to best serve the interests of your brand and to keep pace with the competition in your field. I work with brand websites, particularly advertising and content elements. I collaborate with content developers, fellow businesses and freelancers. As an expert in web design, market research, budgeting, interviewing and training new recruits, I can supervise the ecommerce division, and present design projects to senior management.


Lanaworks Web Agency

Founder : 2008 - Now

I’ve created a freelance web agency that will support and help companies with their digital strategies. Developing tailor-made websites and ecommerce for brands and companies is my specialty.
I also do digital support and online strategy: server, creation, marketing automation, SEO, security. Lanaworks supports companies that generate several million euros per month and retain more than 400,000 customers with marketing automation tools.

Amorosa Textile

Co-Founder & Ecommerce Manager : 2008 - 2014

Co-founder of a BtoB import export company, Amorosa is a pioneer of BtoB French ecommerce textile market. It has evolved over 30 years. Initially brick and mortar, this company has changed its economic model to become a 100% e-commerce company and the leader of its market.

French Air & Space Force

Fire Safety Instructor : 2001 - 2008

Fire Safety Instructor in the French Air and Space Force. Aeronautical platform fire safety instructor. Safety of all military and civilian aircraft. Safety of aircraft weapons. Instructor in rescuing crews and passengers of aircrafts and first aeronautical safety measures. Instructor in fire safety of nuclear weapons and NRBC (Nuclear, Radiological, Biological and Chemical). Africa Chad detachment: Local cooperation and safety of aircraft on mission.
Team management and executive function.


I oversee and manage the ecommerce department of a brand with a significant online presence. I can handle decision-making for websites, social media accounts, and online advertising. Responsible for research and development of new online marketing strategies, I know how to hire and train a whole Ecommerce team.

Web Development

The user interface of your website and overall UX is very important in the completion of an online transaction. As an ecommerce manager, I will oversee the look, feel and design of your website. Working closely with in-house web design teams and developers, we work together in order to get the best interface and structure to suit the customer’s journey. The aim is to make the online ecommerce system fast, secure and easy to use. This can mean: placing the call of action to purchase an item or even how the listings are organized. I can also help enhancing the website with additional content such as product videos, social media integration and anything that can further improve the user experience.

Team Manager

An ecommerce website requires management but so does the team that helps keep every other aspect of the website running. A typical ecommerce team may consist of the following: Project Managers, Content Editors, Copywriters, Web Designers, PPC/SEO executives, Web Analysts/Analytics, Web Service Engineers.
Even if larger companies will have web development teams and back-end development teams to maintain and improve the website’s functionality and design, many businesses tend to rely on multi-tasks ecommerce managers to maintain coherent design, functionality and hosting of the website.

Campaigns and Strategy

The key factor in ecommerce is planning ahead and having a full digital marketing plan for the year ahead. This plan can identify areas that we may need to develop, like introducing sales campaigns, exclusive offers and most importantly SEO, SEM or PPC campaigns. As an ecommerce manager, I can manage a dedicated in house team or, if there are budget restrictions, do it myself to suggest keyword strategy techniques and provide the copy or descriptive content that could possibly increase page ranking and trafficking.

Security and Maintenance

Websites could be subject to cyber-attacks, compromises or even technical issues that will require quick action to resolve any problems that may happen. The most important factor is protecting the customer’s sensitive data from cyber criminals. This means implementing a high level of security is necessary in order to prevent a PR disaster for your company as well as letting loyal customers down. Over the recent years, many company databases have been compromised, so protecting classified and sensitive details is a priority.
It can take years to build up the reputation of a website, but only days to bring it down.


Monitoring web traffic statistics and generating reports is usually an everyday responsibility. By using analytical tools, like Google Analytics or specific ERP/CRM, the performance of a website can be analyzed and evaluated to see whether any particular campaign or major site changes were successful or not. Analytic tools can help analyze all sorts of behaviors and patterns such as bounce rates, time spent on page and referrals, to give detailed insight and in-depth analysis. Companies can make important business decisions, from analysing web data and observing the results. A/B Testing is also another way of analysing and comparing different online strategies. By sending different versions of the website to different site visitors, you will be able to determine which version was the most successful.
If the percentage of visitors of the website that make a transaction is high, the better the conversion is. Overall, this is the key objective of an ecommerce manager.

Success stories

For more than 15 years, I have supported companies in their digital success. Small business or international companies, I work with the same motivation in creating strong ecommerce growth.

Wellputt Golf USA

Golf Putting Training Mats

Multinational company created by a golf enthusiast experienced a recent fundraising with as investor Franck Riboud, former CEO of Danone.
From 3 employees in 2019 when I joined this project, the company achieved 4-digit growth, employed many employees and has just moved into its new 2,500 m2 offices.


Design Furniture & Accessories

Hømifab is the result of 17 years of work between 2 web specialists and decoration enthusiasts.
Startup created in July 2017 by Cédric Fouché, founding member of CDiscount and David Monteiro, CDiscount furniture purchasing director.
Partner since day one, I have positioned myself as a privileged service provider in the success of this project.
Homifab currently employs 12 people in its Bordeaux offices and generates a turnover of over 1 million euros per month!


Natural Food Supplements

Jolivia has become one of the very best spirulina sellers on the internet. As part of its development and ecommerce growth, I supported Jolivia in its migration and digital strategy. More than 100,000 loyal customers and thousands of orders to manage and automate.

Get in Touch

Flexible and autonomous, I make myself available where you need is. Contact me to develop your ecommerce, in-house or as a freelancer. I am always open to discussing new projects, creative ideas or opportunities to be part of your visions.


Mathieu Plessis
4 allée des piverts
40230 Tosse, France


+33 6 24 23 91 65
(Central European Time)